'Imagination is the beginning of creativity' (George Bernard Shaw)

Would you like time to write? time to paint? time to build something? This is what Pegasus is all about - providing you with an opportunity to be creative. 

In school, there are many core subjects, options and short courses and they all contain interesting knowledge, but up to now, there has been no subject that allows students to focus in on areas of learning that particularly interest them and to choose projects that they themselves want to pursue. 

They will look to the teachers for the advice they need, but they will lead their own projects and they will develop a project plan with a beginning, a middle and an end. There is so much that can be learned through this experience and so many life skills that can be developed - like project management and time management skills, not to mention perseverance.  Pegasus is an invention of ETSS Wicklow - it's a creative space where students choose their own projects which can focus in on a favourite subject or connect a lot of subjects together e.g. making a presentation in Spanish about how robots can help us save the environment or painting a picture to inspire an essay about mathematics - the more creatively students think, the more creative their projects can be!