- All children have equal access to the school and no one religion or worldview is given priority over another within the school.
- All children are encouraged to explore their full range of abilities and are provided with equal opportunities regardless of their gender or identity.
- Our child-centred approach means that we put children at the heart of all policies and practices and involve them in decision-making where appropriate.
1. Equality-based
All children have equal access to the school and no one religion or worldview is given priority over another within the school.
2. Co-educational
All children are encouraged to explore their full range of abilities and are provided with equal opportunities regardless of their gender or identity.
3. Child-centred
Our child-centred approach means that we put children at the heart of all policies and practices and involve them in decision-making where appropriate.
4. Democratically-run
We run schools on a democratic basis, encouraging active participation by parents and students in the daily life of the school whilst positively affirming the professional role of the teachers.
The Educate Together Charter describes schools that guarantee equality of access and esteem to children irrespective of their social, cultural or religious background, are learner centred in their approach to education and are run as participatory democracies, with respectful partnership between parents, pupils and staff. Enshrined in the Educate Together Charter is an obligation to put our students at the centre of everything we do. These values are reflected in Educate Together’s mottos: Learn Together to Live Together and No Child an Outsider
Learn more about the philosophy of Educate Together by visiting the Educate Together Schools' Network Website