At ETSS Wicklow, everyone realises just how important student voice is to the school. The Student Council has influence over all areas of school life - the members meet, discuss school issues and develop recommendations to discuss with the Board of Management. The Student Council also has opportunities to directly contribute to the quality of school life for all students during the course of the year - for example, by organising events such as variety shows, sports days and showcase debates on important social issues. As part of the pastoral programme at ETSS Wicklow, the Student Council are the driving force of the annual Prize Night, a social event combining entertainment with recognition of the achievement across the school in all its diverse forms.

The focus of the Student Council is on the wellbeing of all students and ensuring that every student has a voice in the school. All initiatives that build on this core priority are part of the Student Council role - e.g. one idea is a mental health week promoting mindfulness and stress management, encouraging students to sometimes just take a break and relax.